
List of Digital Skills

This is a system skill with which you can get information about all Digital Skills available for you. list of Digital Skills

System skill

This is a system skill with which you can get information about all Digital Skills available for you.

When users are working with the Digital Assistants/bot/chatbots, they would like to know all the assistant's capabilities. To cover such needs, we have added the skill that provides an entire list of the digital skills available for user usage. Each skill representant a block, where you can see the title description, and also you have two additional options: you can read about the skill by pressing the button "Details," or you can execute the skills by pressing the button "Try it out."

By pressing the button "Try it out," Hala will take the standard utterance to execute the skill. With this functionality, it is much easier for users to start using the assistant.

By pressing the butting "Details," you will see a right panel with a detailed description of each skill. Detailed information can include the user guide on how to use the skill, a description of the skill and it is purpose, screenshots, examples of how to use them, and much other related information to each particular skill.

How to use

As an example, you can use the next utterances to execute this skill:

List of the skills

What can you do?

What are your capabilities?

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