How AI and ML interacts with enterprise systems

Imagine you could copy and paste the simplest time-consuming actions you execute everyday at work. Imagine you could get all the support you need for finishing those easy repetitive tasks in seconds and use the rest of the time left for being innovative, creative and proactive; simply valuable time to take out the best from you and be yourself.
When we speak about ERP, CRM, HRM or ITSM enterprise’s software, it is mostly impossible for us to not relate them with some complex tools that can only be understood after receiving intense and long training. It is well known that enterprise systems like SAP, Oracle or Microsoft Dynamics are based in a structure that relies on a certain complexity level, where the simplest processes take a considerable amount of time to be executed and efficiently applied.
This is when AI enters into the game. Many processes that need a big amount of steps and investment to be done, can be reduced by the support of automated solutions. Automation can be applied almost in any process inside and outside an organization, starting from client’s orders and tickets requesting information to material purchasing flows from suppliers.
Another layer added to our AI working partnership starts when ML blends in. ML facilitates the programming support giving short-cuts to possible IT supporting maintenance, because when all human activities inside the organization interact during a period of time with the algorithm, ML allows the system to learn about all possibilities and incidents automating more and more repetitive activities with better accuracy every time.
As an example, let’s remember the first time we learnt how to post on our Facebook wall, at first we had an exploratory insight, for us to know how to do it correctly, with time, after repeating the same actions every time we wanted to share something in our wall, we finally learnt all the features we can add while we are posting, making this action automatic for us. AI agents interact exactly the same way, applying ML skills.
In today’s daily work, busy days are our daily days, every time there are less hours for getting everything done, mostly because most of our time goes on solving the same simple systematic issues everyday. Before it was almost impossible to think about splitting ourselves into many active humans, but now, AI advances are making this dream come true.