Add new purchase order
Create purchase orders in QuickBooks Online by using your voice. An AI Virtual Assistant is supporting you while you are working with QuickBooks Online.

The Skill for adding new purchase orders allows you to use the Hala conversational interface and natural language to create new POs.
How to use
As an example, you can use the next utterances to execute this skill:
Create purchase order
Order 200 kg of carrots
We need to order five cars from Tesla
Default values
Hala analyzes the preferences/configurations of the next objects: items, and preferences of the company.
Preferences. For example, if you have activated classes and departments in your QBO, Hala will ask questions about those values before adding new purchase order. If not, then Hala will not ask them.
Items. Hala will check the rate and preferable vendor for ordering this item. By default, Hala will use the item configuration values, but you can change them before creating the purchase order.
Purchase orders. Hala is checking historical data to make the pre-filling of the values. This is also can have a big benefit for users while they are creating a purchase order.
Action validation
Before creating the object, Hala will propose you to validate the data.
This skill is by default available for the next enterprise software: